Native American style flute music

Indianen stijl fluitmuziek

Johan Thompsen flutes

Jonah Thompson

He is Dine and grew up on the Navajo Reservation in Kayenta, Arizona. He was born into the Coyote Pass clan and born to the Red House People clan of the Navajo people. Making flutes was taught to him by his uncle. A musician and flute maker, Jonah attends many pow-wows and art shows in the Southwest to sell his flutes and share his stories with people. Jonah's philosophy of making flutes is that the flute was given to the first humans as a gift. The flute music should be shared in prayer, in friendship and in recreation.

The Jonah Thompson flutes are not concert quality as stated on the site but certainly a good sound for the price I bought a few to let people try the flute during an explanation of my flutes.

I can't find a website or other page of him so the link goes to the site where I got the info from and also has sound samples.

2019 Nr. 063 Am

Panderosa den

Among the many native Colorado trees, the Ponderosa pine stands out from the crowd as one of the most recognizable. This is due to their distinctly flattop appearance, as well as their unique scent. Found throughout most of the Rocky Mountains, they are sturdy survivors. The Ponderosa pine is one of the few conifer varieties that can thrive in drought and high elevation areas, even reaching 10,000 feet in certain locations. Most trees wilt and wither under the intense heat of the sun and lack of proper nutrients at high altitudes, but these pines can withstand a harsh and intimidating environment and can live up to 1000 years. read more on the site mount view tree

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