Native American style flute music

Indianen stijl fluitmuziek

wikiloops albums

Here you will find my albums made on Wikiloops. Jams made with musicians from all over the World. Free to listen on site. By downloading the album you support this great initiative that brings people together regardless of who or what they are with one common goal to make music and have fun doing it. For only 2.40 euros you can download an album and support the site.


The song little fairies stole my flute was made by Jody Trip, he called it Chasing tiny flying little fairies. Close your eyes and see you fly away with my high c flute

13 songs - 13 musicians


Pianoman HL's beautiful song time-les sounds inspired me to make the video Why

15 songs -17 musicians


Native American flute loves Reggea, was the first song that I posted on Wikiloops in 2016, there are now 400 of them.

12 songs 28 musicians


Playing the Blues with the flute is just a joy to do, one of my favorite Blues guitarists is Frenzie and not because we both happen to be from the Netherlands.

14 songs 27 musicians


I think spring is the most beautiful time of the year when it's budding weather. From my music room I always look out on a curly willow, always nice to see how the first leaves appear. So here my spring album 14 songs 25 musicians


My first album the song surving the walk I still find one of my most beautiful songs different styles on this album was nice to try it all out

11 songs 15 musicians

Here's a new album to listen to some heart warming music during this time. Many people turn down the stove and put on an extra sweater. If you are still cold then move along to the music 14 songs with 22 musicians


From us for you
An album with 10 different musicians different styles to dream away.
The Hip Hop song sung by Offocus was a style
which I hadn't tried to play together with before.
11 songs

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