Their designs are innovative. The flutes made of gourd attracted my attention on this site unfortunately they are no longer made. Daniel and Fabio are also a talented musicians.
The company is called Flutas Kaypura and is located in Brazil, many of the flutes are made from bamboo. Their range is very diverse from Basuri flutes to Drones and Bass flutes. So be sure to visit their Youtube channel
This flute is made of Bamboo Tuldoides which you can also see at the bottom of the flute.
the sound is very nice but unfortunately the bottom hole is not easily accessible for me because I have small hands.
Bamboo has an interesting growing method. Each plant produces a number of new stems annually. These stems grow to their maximum height in the first year of growth, with subsequent growth in the stem being limited to the production of new side branches and leaves. In the case of some mature tropical species, the new stem can grow as high as 30 meters, with a daily increase in height of 30 cm or more during their peak growth time. This makes them the fastest growing strains in the world
This drone flute is a work of art in itself with the decorations, although it is small you have to blow freely, but the sound is very special. The flute is made of bamboo and Ocotea porosa or Imbuia is also grown as an ornamental tree and is highly prized for its wood and commonly harvested in the wild. It grows slowly but is widely exploited. It is a semi-deciduous, natural pioneer that can be used in the restoration of native forest.
It grows to about 40 m in height and 1.8 m in trunk diameter, with an open and elongated crown and short trunk. The wood is fragrant, moderately heavy, hard and durable and resistant to dry wood borers, fungi and termites. It is used in carpentry, paneling, sleepers, bridges, turning, etc.
The video through the window was made with this flute
To complete the series of B flutes I had asked to make a high B here is also a hole at the back just like the drone flute because it is also not an Indian style flute it only has 1 air hole under it block.
The flute is made of purpleheart/bamboo.
Peltogyne purpurea grows up to 50 meters in height and 1 meter in diameter. It has a rounded crown and typically short buttress roots that occasionally reach 3 meters in height. Purpleheart bark is smooth and light gray on old trees. Its distinctive color makes it recognizable from a great distance. The leaves are alternate, pinnate and composed of a single pair of leaflets that are 5-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.
Peltogyne purpurea reproduces between August and December, depending on geographic location. The flowers are white, aromatic and small, arranged in subterminal panicles or clusters. Purpleheart fruit ripens between November and February. Fruits are brown with single seed pods. They are compressed, oval in shape and usually grow to 5 cm in length.