Native American style flute music

Indianen stijl fluitmuziek

Peter Churcher-Willow Creek woodcraft


is a versatile material that is used for various applications in the kitchen, bathroom cells and creative designs. Corian was developed 30 years ago by Dupont for industrial use. Due to the great interest of interior designers and interior architects, Corian has become an indispensable part of contemporary interior design.

Nice, you might think, but what does that have to do with flutes? For Peter Churcher it does, he started making wooden flutes in 2008, but when he wanted to stop in 2010 he came across this material and is already making more than 10 whistling for years. From residual waste that would otherwise disappear in the landfill, he selects the most beautiful pieces and turns them into a flute. His flutes have already been shipped all over the world.

Nowadays he also makes Fusion flutes a combination of

wood and expoxy resin

2020 Nr. 044 Fm

The material is not affected as much by temperature differences, so it is ideally suited to take with you on a walk.

N8 van de N8 2022

2022-Nr. 72 E-minor

The sound

Burl wood

This flute is made with burl wood and epoxy resin, because these flutes are partly transparent, they are very beautiful with lighting, such as during a performance by the night of the night lineaNieuwe alinea

E-minor flute with oceaan drum


Epoxy is an exceptionally hard and tough chemical synthetic resin that consists of 2 components, you mix these 2 components with each other in the right proportion to allow the liquids to harden. It has superior properties in terms of adhesion and resistance to chemicals, water, etc. Epoxy resin is created from a chemical reaction between the 2 components. The chemical reaction that occurs is exothermic, which means that heat is generated during curing. Epoxy is the result of the cross-linking between the molecules of the resin and the hardener. Our epoxy has little or no smell. Cured epoxy is safe for humans, animals and plants. Source

The flute was delivered in a beautiful flute cover and is beautiful to see and has a beautiful sound. The flute is fairly heavy due to the type of wood. The totem is a work of art in itself.

Brown Mallee

The wood you mention is highly regarded, but generally not large enough for use as cabinetry or other standard lumber uses. Usually just small chunks of burl. It doesn't grow in our region (the north) and mostly in the south-east of Australia. It's hard and heavy and can be polished to a very fine finish. Drying can be difficult. Never leave it in the sun, near a fire or other heat source as it may check (crack). Normal room temperature or even the cold is OK.
It's a relatively short tree compared to other eucalyptus that grow in that area, but highly prized for it's grain and colors.

Thanks to Wade for the dicription.

2022 Nr. 073 G-minor

The sound

Panorama Walcheren

27-12-2022 Performance in museum Panorama Walcheren.
Again these flutes are used here.

I thought the light in the flutes suited the performance in a Christmas atmosphere. It was pleasantly busy and there was also an a cappella choir. There were a number of heaters to warm up the room. There was also hot chocolate and mulled wine, coffee or tea. It was very nice to play in the church again with the beautiful echo. Had quite missed it since it closed.

More music played in this church you can find here

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