Daniel mentions on his website that he met a bamboo flute maker in Kauai when he was 22 years old, who sparked his interest in flute making. His flutes are made of antler bamboo in combination with all kinds of materials that he collected during his travels through Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, India, Kauai and Balie. Fossil materials, crystals, even a mammoth tusk
Not only did he take the materials home, he also gained inspiration. After his introduction to flutes and the music of the different cultures he encountered, including brief encounters with older flute masters.
One of his specialties is also making many multi-tone flutes. He continues to look for new possibilities. He is a true artist, craftsman and musician. He also gives beautiful performances with a variety of instruments.
The flute is made of deer antler. The antlers fall off to grow new antlers during the year, which are strong enough to fight again during the Bronze Age. The flute plays lightly and continues to play well for quite a long time, even in colder conditions. Because I have small hands an ideal size.