Alex Didodub Kuthyak Songs of the forest
The maker of this flute, Alex Didodub Kutnyak, plays other instruments in addition to various flutes, such as the guitar. He plays with Anna Minishek & Nick Kurandu and in a rock band called MNISHEK. On his Etsy site, Alex explains that he finds his inspiration deep in the misty forest of Eastern Europe. He wants to reproduce the sound of the forest and its inhabitants with the flutes he makes. His workshop is in the outskirts of Kiev one of the big forests near the city and is called Holosiivskyi
The Holosiivskyi National Nature Park
is a protected remnant of forest surrounded by the urban area of the city of Kiev, Ukraine. It is located on the hills of Kiev, in the Dnieper-Dnieper forest-steppe province, the North Dnieper lowland and the steppe zone of the left bank of the Dnieper province, in the Holosiivskyi district.
The total area is 4525.52
(Bron Wikipedia)
No. 076 A#
This flute is made of maple, a type of wood that is often used for instruments with beautiful burned-in symbols.
The flute is not a Native American style flute. you could compare him to an ocarina, which he also makes. The bottom is closed but because the holes are one below the other it plays just like an Indian flute so if you can play that you will be able to whistle on it effortlessly.